Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Stage 4A


2 August 2019, I still remember that very moment when the doctor confirmed that my husband was suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer (stage 4A). I felt so helpless and heartbroken.

Eventually, we accepted the facts and cooperated with the hospital to receive immediate treatments.

Because of my impatient character, I asked Cui Ling for more relevant information on how Negative Ion clothes can help to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, etc before I conveyed the message to my husband.

At first, he was very stubborn and reluctant to try. His perception changed only after hearing so many stories about how chemotherapy affects the mental state of the other cancer patients. He then bought a full set of Negative Ion clothes to kickstart his journey to combat cancer.

Within the first week of his chemotherapy, the unexpected vomiting caused him to lose 5 kilograms! Only cancer patients themselves will understand what the side effects of chemotherapy does to the body.

To help relieve his discomforts, I had to remind him constantly to change his clothes every 4 hours. I am glad to see improvements in his condition. 

I am thankful now that he is able to eat (in smaller quantities and more meals), sleep, have a better bowel movement and reduced vomiting.

If my husband can do it, so can the other cancer patients!

👉 還記得02/08/2019,醫生證實我先生患上鼻咽癌(第四期A)的那一刻起,心情一度跌破谷底,心痛只有自己知。。。 無助。

👉 最終,我倆也只能接受事實和盡快配合醫院治療。

👉 急性子的我,通過夥伴翠玲AM+詢問相關資料及如何穿負離子衣服能夠減輕化療的副作用等,一一告知我先生。

👉 起初,頑固的他,還一拖再拖。 。 。 直到他本人聽到太多患癌者身心心靈受折磨的分享,最終也答應買下全套產品來抗癌。


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